Release agent application

Through the 6-axis robot, equipped with spray guns and a tool with a rotating brush, it is possible to reach all the parts of the molds, even the undercuts, which are difficult to be reached with a manipulator.
Through the guns all types of release agents on the market (water base, solvent base and wax base) can be sprayed in an adequate quantity and in the right directions; the brush helps this function and allows to distribute the silicon inside the molds while removing the excesses.
- Possibility of using release agents with a high percentage of concentrate;
- Reduction of the consumption of release agent;
- Possibility of operator elimination;
- Significant reduction of defects and scraps;
- More time between one cleaning of the molds and the other one;
- Possibility of making comparisons between different suppliers of release agents as the application does not depend on the skill of the operator;
- Significant reduction in pollution.
In detail
As an option we offer online monitoring of silicone consumption through the use of a load cell. In this way we can:
- Inform the operator when the silicone falls below a certain value, so that he can fill the container;
- Inform when the average consumption of silicone is not in line with the standard one, allowing to intercept potential problems (occlusion of a gun, lack of pressure), and to have the process under control.
Autec in numbers
Before our robot
9-10 grams/piece
Average consumption
With our robot
1-2 grams/piece
Average consumption
32 Kg/day=8 T/year
average saving per day
(assuming 4000 pieces/day)